A boy far too young to receive the COVID-19 shot was accidentally vaccinated at a Dallas County drive-thru clinic.
The dad of the 8-year-old boy didn't know that he son wasn't eligible to receive the vaccine, but thought it was OK because he was able to register his son for a drive-up clinic in Grand Prairie.
“(The father) was under the assumption that I submit his information and he got an appointment. And when he got an appointment, he was like ‘we all got an appointment so let’s go,'" Dr. Marcial Oquendo told CBS DFW.
The little boy was vaccinated after his father showed the paramedics managing the clinic his registration. No one questioned the boy's age.
The dad didn't realize he son wasn't supposed to get the shot until talking to Oquendo.
Dallas County authorities blame "human error" for allowing the boy's age to go unnoticed. Now they're making changes so that anyone younger than 16 can't register for a vaccine and are better training medics giving the shots on the age requirements.
In Texas, only teens older than 16 are eligible to receive the Johnson and Johnson shot while people over 18 can choose to get the Moderna or Pfizer shots. Clinical trials are underway to see how kids as young as 12 react to the vaccine, Scientific American reported.
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